perspective circle jerk...conserving dopamine over here *ag standup

2 years ago

oh cameron
the only thing worth clapping for...God
one outta five people, quite the minority
real conservatives don't use the internet if they can avoid it
having sex is the real choice
nothing but righteous judgment
does he know that i'm disassociating
disassociating, naked ain't worth getting pregnant in this shit world
can a man literally fuck my brains out cos that's what we need
da da da da da
no american flag on my sticker
land of the free mason
ashley is the only one that gets it haha (catholic)
the AI should kill everybody, remember when elon said ______
walking cup of pudding, everyone
everyone is too busy being tapioca or some shit
extra guilt trip due to lack of catholicism
gimme a guilt car ride to the gas station
women dunno how to make a sammich, son
running joke, get it
J E S U S community, no more letters needed
not interested in the cucumbers

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