Birds flying in the sky | Whoever puts his trust in Allah, He will be sufficient for him

2 years ago

Birds flying in the sky is a wonderful sign of Allah's creativity. As the morning light unfolds, the melodious chorus welcomes the busy day.
The Qur'an says - 'Do they not look at the controlled space in the void of the sky? Allah keeps them steady. Surely there are signs in it for the believing community.' Allah, the Merciful, sustains them. He is the equal seer in all matters.'
Today we are all worried about Rizq. But in the morning you will see flocks of birds flying in front of you. Do they store food like you? They come out of the nest with an empty stomach in the morning and return to the nest with a full stomach in the evening.
"Whoever puts his trust in Allah, He will be sufficient for him."
#Amazon rain forest

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