Dem’s Know Hunter Biden MUST be Quickly Convicted by DOJ Before Nov 22 Election

2 years ago

Hunter Biden’s Foregone Plea Deal & Wrist Slap: The most obvious thing in the world is Democrats' dire need to quickly conclude Hunter Biden’s lengthy investigation. Because it cannot possibly be left open when Republicans regain power Nov 2022. For, imagine how completely Joe Biden would be exposed by multifarious graft. Therefore Hunter must be prosecuted, a plea offered, accepted, the case closed and the files sealed by the time the Nov ‘22 election occurs.

Hunter’s Case: So what does this case involve? Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, Hunter Biden spent decades in various foreign countries like Russia, China, and the Ukraine receiving pay as Joe’s boy. Employed by Ukrainian Burisma gas and oil company, famously making something like $150,000 a month. Hunter didn't live in Ukraine, or attend meetings. More importantly, he doesn't know anything about petroleum so the whole sham was to have papa’s brand new bag boy bring home the bacon to his father.

Heavenly Hard Drive: Studying Hunter’s laptop yields about $11 million dollars Biden income from 2013 to 22018. A recent story had him making $30,000 a month, while still receiving a $100,000 loan from Joe, then used for prostitutes and drugs. See NY Post’s story:

President Biden wired his 52-year-old son $100,000 to help him pay bills from December 2018 through January 2019, the Washington Examiner reported, citing records from a laptop Hunter Biden left behind at a computer repair shop in Delaware.
Hunter Biden, meanwhile, had spent more than $30,000 on sex workers between November 2018 and March 2019, records show — including many linked to Russia-based email addresses and connected to an “exclusive model agency” called UberGFE, the outlet reported.
Joe Biden wired Hunter $5,000 while his son was “actively engaged” with one escort and was also convinced to send another $20,000 to pay for his stay at a New York drug rehabilitation program that never came to fruition, according to the report.
Hunting Debauchery: To state Hunter has a few addictions would be like saying Joe Biden likes a smattering of illegal entries on the southern border every day. Sadly, it seems papa Joe claims this colossal drug addict is also his “best friend and chief advisor.” Scary, huh?!! Ironically, feeding these addictions helped encourage Hunter to stay the course as the crack-huffing Bag Man in foreign countries that are not our allies.

Hunter’s Shakedown Cruise: Hunter is accused of arranging pay-for-play in foreign climes for US govt connects, money laundering, using illegal substances & buying narcotics, human trafficking of prostitutes, homemade porn, violating the Mann Act, falsifying gun purchase info, tax avoidance, not registering as a foreign agent, etc. Some claim Hunter has pics on the laptop frolicking with underage girls. Meanwhile, the intrepid capitalist sells his crack-pipe bubble-art for tens of thousands. To sum up, Hunter reps for the Biden crime syndicate as both front man and bagboy.

Yearslong Investigation: So a Fed investigation was opened in 2018 and has dragged on lo’, these many years. It did produce a tax prosecution in which Hunter paid back a million greenbacks. But Hunter’s real crimes may not even be investigated. Since the entire federal govt has become a patsy for Joe, then it’s safe to assume that the weirdly named Merick Garland’s DOJ only exists to further Biden’s socialist workers.

4th Down, Time to Punt: With Joe Biden’s poll numbers certainly headed into the 20’s, the Democrat Party is mired in an existential crisis. Something must be done. So, to prove Joe’s tough on crime, not biased, and a real leader, Hunter must be sacrificed. But not completely. Of all these potential charges, two or three smaller ones will be pursued and there will be a quick plea offer and acceptance. These will be swiftly adjudicated and probably go from felony to misdemeanor status so Hunter doesn't lose his right to travel internationally. From the guilty plea will emerge a suspended sentence and probation.

Sealing Off Hunter’s Shenanigans: In doing this the government can close the entire investigation, seal the documents tight as a drum and make sure nobody comes to pick through them. Now for such trifles as money laundering, not registering as a foreign agent -- which destroyed Paul Manafort, selling favors, tax fraud, violating the Mann act, repeated use of illegal drugs, etc, this could be 20-30 federal court years. The argument for parole will be Hunter is too high profile to put behind bars and so must slip into probation on lesser charges. Democrats will argue this is necessary to win the election -- so it has to happen, lickity split, before Nov. 2022, or the GOP will completely atomize Biden’s entire crooked family, one-by-one.

But, what do YOU think will happen to Hunter Biden, dear reader?

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