Controlled Opposition - The Erev Rav and the "Religious Zionists"

2 years ago

2009 Meraglim documentary on the betrayal of the Yesha Council to enable the destruction of the Jewish communities of Gush Katif.

Watch how the Erev Rav phonies worked hand in hand with the Israeli police, the "holy" IDF, and the propaganda media to mislead well-meaning but naive and gullible "religious Zionists". This is EXACTLY what the Judenrat did for the Nazis, assisting them in keeping the Jews docile and compliant so they could be led like lambs to the slaughter.

The documentary concludes with the following defiant words: "We will not let the spies get away with it again."

Then came the masks, the house arrests ("quarantines" and "lockdowns"), the bodily invasions and DNA harvesting ("PCR tests"), the death shots, and the Nazi-style gesundheit papers ("green passports"). Same Erev Rav, same propaganda tactics -- in many cases the same characters! And the Dati Leumi fell for it all like no other segment of the population. They made a religion out of being slaughtered and turning against their own to serve the state.

Baaaaaah. Baaaaaaaaah.

Just a few years after helping destroy Gush Katif, many of the same Erev Rav still hold positions of influence within the Dati Leumi world. And the Dati Leumi are as obedient and compliant as ever. They make an avoda zara out of the state and the IDF as much as ever.

The Erev Rav plays them like fiddles. Same playbook, same results.


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