The incredible lives of the not-so-rich . . . a primer.

2 years ago

There's been a shift . . . less might just be more . . . the incredible lives of the not-so-rich. Turning a dream into reality. One case history: The voyage to Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands on a relatively inexpensive Catalina 27 sailboat. The video talks about some of the work-arounds to the stock commercial, expensive, ready-made products and solutions that we have come to believe are the "only" way to repair/upgrade a sailing vessel and therefore only available to the moneyed few. I talk about some of these newly-empowering technologies that can ultimately make lifestyles available that were heretofore thought inconceivable for the average person. Please subscribe and stay tuned. Thinking "out of the box" could initiate the shift you might have been looking for.

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