Ex-trans pleads with govt to not ban therapy that ‘saved' him from suicide

4 years ago

Robert J. Wenman is a former "transgender" who underwent sex-change surgery and presented as a woman. After many years, he then detransitioned to his birth sex.

In this appeal to Canada's Senators, Robert expresses his grave concerns about the federal Conversion Therapy Ban (Bill S-202) that the Senate was trying to pass into low, in tandem with the House of Commons version, Bill C-8, now reintroduced as Bill C-6.

Campaign Life Coalition is producing a series of video testimonies from former transgenders and ex-gays, in order to stop the Liberal government's proposed "conversion therapy" ban. Even though bill C-8 died when Trudeau prorogued parliament, the Liberals reintroducec this totalitarian bill on October 1, 2020. This bill represents not only a violation of our civil liberties as free Canadians to choose what kind of therapy or spiritual counselling we want, but also a wholesale attack on the Christian message of "conversion" from sin.

Watch Past Videos in This Series

Video #1: Post-operative former transgender named KathyGrace Duncan who detransitioned back to her biological female sex, with the aid of spiritual counselling at her church: https://youtu.be/uhVV-rR93q0

Video #2: Toronto man, Keith Alexander, shares how his Christian faith and church support networks helped him to leave the gay lifestyle behind forever: https://youtu.be/ja3RTTUxDHQ

Video #3: Guelph, ON man, Robert Wenman, who detransitioned with the help of spiritual guidance: https://youtu.be/O3TQ4ILUwJc

Video #4: A former lesbian who lives in Saskatchewan, Wilna van Beek, testifies how pastoral counselling and clinical therapy for unwanted same-sex attraction greatly improved her psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being: https://youtu.be/YUvDikFYVSY

To sign a petition against Bill C-6, the proposed “Conversion therapy” ban legislation, go here:

In order to ensure our organization has the financial resources to continue making these videos, please make a donation to Campaign Life Coalition, here: https://tinyurl.com/y458o9pt.

With your assistance, we can bring the truth to Canada's MPs and Senators!

Campaign Life Coalition is a national, pro-life organization working at all levels of government to secure full legal protection for all human beings from the time of conception (fertilization) to natural death. It is non-partisan and encourages voting based on principles, not party. For more information visit www.campaignlifecoalition.com

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