2 years ago

S-300 Intercepts a HIMARS MRLS Rocket over Donetsk.

🇪🇸 Donetsk ahora mismo. Lo he grabado yo misma. Es el centro de la ciudad. El sistema antimisiles instalado aquí por Rusia acaba de salvar muchas vidas: si no estuviera, las víctimas se contarían por decenas como poco. Un saludo para la OTAN. La población civil de Donetsk les agradece las armas enviadas a Ucrania.

🇬🇧 Donetsk right now. I recorded it myself. It's the center of the city. The anti-missile system installed here by Russia has just saved lives: if it were not there, the victims would be counted in the tens at least. Greetings to NATO. The civilian population of Donetsk thanks them for the weapons sent to Ukraine.

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