Feb 16, 2020 Bee Hive Autopsy - Dead Out Inspection

4 years ago

A quick look at inspecting a dead out. Please add any thoughts or information from your experience below.
Submission of Samples for Diagnosis:
General Instructions
••Beekeepers, bee businesses, and regulatory officials may submit samples.
••Samples are accepted from the United States and its territories; samples are NOT accepted from other countries.
••Include a short description of the problem along with your name, address, phone number or e-mail address.
••There is no charge for this service.
••For additional information, contact Sam Abban by phone at (301) 504-8821 or e-mail: samuel.abban@ars.usda.gov
How to Send Adult Honey Bees
 Send at least 100 bees and if possible, select bees that are dying or that died recently. Decayed bees are not satisfactory for examination.
 Bees should be placed in and soaked with 70% ethyl, methyl, or isopropyl alcohol as soon as possible after collection and packed in leak-proof containers.
 USPS, UPS, and FedEx do no accept shipments containing alcohol. Just prior to mailing samples, pour off all excess alcohol to meet shipping requirements.
 Do NOT send bees dry (without alcohol).
How to send brood samples
••A comb sample should be at least 2 x 2 inches and contain as much of the dead or discolored brood as possible. NO HONEY SHOULD BE PRESENT IN THE SAMPLE.
••The comb can be sent in a paper bag or loosely wrapped in a paper towel, newspaper, etc. and sent in a heavy cardboard box. AVOID wrappings such as plastic, aluminum foil, waxed paper, tin, glass, etc. because they promote decomposition and the growth of mold.
••If a comb cannot be sent, the probe used to examine a diseased larva in the cell may contain enough material for tests. The probe can be wrapped in paper and sent to the laboratory in an envelope.
Send samples to:
Bee Disease Diagnosis
Bee Research Laboratory
10300 Baltimore Ave. BARC-East
Bldg. 306 Room 316
Beltsville Agricultural Research Center - East
Beltsville, MD 20705

Support: paypal.me/jbeehoney


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