Does silver still respond to inflation?

2 years ago

#SilverInstitute: Does #silver still respond to #inflation?

While silver has long been considered as an inflation hedge along with #gold, the inflation is here, yet silver has not responded in recent months.

A lot of that seems to be in reaction to the Fed's #interestrate hikes. Yet it does beg the question of whether silver is still priced by monetary inflation and viewed as money.

We did see silver spike in 2011 after the Fed started it's second quantitative easing program, and many are left wondering if we'll see that kind of movement again. So in today's episode of the show, I talk with Michael Dirienzo of The Silver Institute about silver's response over the past few months, as well as some of the supply and demand dynamics.

To find out more about the latest developments in the silver market, click to watch this video now!


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