Recipe no. 1. Carpaccio of scallop with fennel (flavours of aniseed)

2 years ago

A new healing recipe is uploaded EVERY DAY FOREVER.

The recipes are all Seignalet (pronounce it "Saynyalay") legal. French professor of medicine Dr. Seignalet died in 2002. He put 91 chronic so called "incurable" diseases into remission with his diet. You can find out more about him and the diet on my website: Or watch my introduction to the Seignalet diet:

The diet is part of my protocol for healing you from the mRNA jab. The full protocol can be seen on where you can also upload your story of recovery from the jab. Who is the protocol for? I believe it will help those who are severely injured - and there are many! But studies show that ALL those who have been jabbed have had their cells turned into spike protein factories. The spike protein is a toxin. It creates micro clots in your blood vessels and damages the endothelium. The lining of your arteries, veins and blood/brain barrier. There is a new medical term: "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome". In other words people are dropping dead from strokes and heart attacks. The jab is meant to kill you. Our billionaire masters think we are now surplus to requirements and want to replace us with robots. The first step in our revenge will be to recover vibrant health. Trust me - I'm not a doctor, I'm a health nut. Doctors have shown that they cannot be trusted.

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