SEL's Evil Twin: Personality and Mental Health Screenings

2 years ago

Anne Taydus (VaWarriorMom) and Lisa Logan will join me to cover the "screening" tools used to support SEL in public schools.
If you've heard of Panorama Ed. or DESSA, and have wondered "What's so bad about these surveys?" you'll want to tune in!

Questions to consider while you watch:
- Is this the proper role of the school?
- Who benefits?
- How does this help your children?
- Who owns the data, and for how long?

VA Warrior Mom, aka Anne Craft Taydus, is the co-founder and Vice President of Virginians for Children First, a grassroots non-profit dedicated to action, accountability and creating long term change in the Commonwealth, so all children will thrive and prosper.

She is a graduate of Virginia Tech where she double majored in Geopolitical War History and Electronic Print Journalism. A mother of two beautiful daughters in Chesterfield County, she has exposed the war on our children being waged by global agencies, federal legislation and radical left wing teachers unions and associations.

Fighting to end the ideological subversion our K-12 public education system is what drives her as an American, a Virginian and as a mother.

Follow VA Warrior Mom @domesticTara

Lisa Logan is a wife, mother, and patriot. She works to expose the sinister agenda behind Social Emotional Learning Programs on her YouTube channel: Parents of Patriots:

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#K12 #education #SEL #mentalhealth

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