Dr. Jeffrey Seif Interview

2 years ago

0:00 - Intro and coming to faith
2:32 - Joining Zola Levitt Ministries
5:10 - Jeff's impressions of Zola Levitt
6:15 - Has Israel been replaced by the Church?
9:26 - Is there a danger of Replacement Theology?
11:16 - How does Genesis 12:3 play out today?
12:52 - How is Israel a miracle?
14:22 - Israel being God's time-piece for Bible prophecy
15:20 - Is there something greater in life?
18:13 - What is Zola Levitt Ministries about?
20:30 - Why visit the Holy Land?
22:22 - What hobbies are you involved with?
24:22 - Jeff's involvement in the Police force and discussion
29:34 - Advice for those in uniform?
31:50 - Having a good wife
34:10 - Extra vigor for Jews coming to Christ?
35:48 - Why do the "yous" need Jesus?

Join me as I interview Dr. Jeff Seif. Jeff succeeded Zola at the teaching helm of Zola Levitt Ministries and as the ministry’s principal spokesperson for a time. ZLM is a Messianic Jewish ministry organized for the evangelism of unbelievers and the exhortation of believers. Jeff continues teaching the message on television, writing books and articles, ministering in churches across America, instructing police academies, and riding Harley's with his wife. We discussed topics about his coming to faith, the importance of the nation of Israel, to the dangers of Replacement Theology.

ZLM Website: https://www.levitt.tv/media/person/Dr.+Jeffrey+L.+Seif
Our Jewish Roots YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/OurJewishRoots
Books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3ASeif+Jeffrey&s=relevancerank&text=Seif+Jeffrey&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1

#jeffreyseif #zolalevitt #police #israel #jewish #OurJewishRoots #replacementtheology

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