8 nice big Red Salmon dipped off the land in Kenai Alaska 7/25/22

2 years ago

July 26, 2022 Dipnetting off the shore by the bridge in Kenai Alaska, I eventually got 8 fish there and the next day ON A BOAT we got 54 big Red Salmon, in my truck I am carrying over 40 Salmon again, praise God. The only bad bit of news was that with the strong wind yesterday, my Trump hat blew off and sank before we could get back to scoop it up. So if you see a Red Salmon or more likely a big King Salmon wearing a red Trump hat, tell him it is Uncle Ray's but he can keep it as long as he doesn't give up on Donald Trump winning the 2020 election. More pictures to come, God once again blessed me with so many Red Salmon. Doctor Novick is going to love the box of fish again. July 25, 2022 Kenai River, Alaska
mefoundation.world I wish all my kids could eat Salmon.

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