ep. 39. Connections you didn't expect and realizing our "oneness" with God. The universe knows you.

2 years ago

Expand your consciousness and allow yourself to reach the "oneness" we all have with our Creator. The universe knows exactly who you are but now it's time for YOU to remember who you are. Are you willing to put forth the effort it takes to move out of your shell and expand to meet God's energy?
When you drink the "cup of Jesus" and take up the cross what can you expect from it? Does your life get easier? Can you say life becomes more beautiful? From the "long haul" perspective it certainly will but you will get what Jesus got from the strict third dimensionality of his day. You get scoffed at, you get persecuted, you get harassed at work, you get censored for your thoughts and what you know and you get crucified for attempting to elevate humanity and make people aware that the Christ Consciousness is available to you.

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