Feb 23: Shed Seedlings!

5 years ago

Lori Fiechter here with the pre-garden, garden. This is where it all started--with green-thumb Stan, some packets of seeds, good dirt, judicious watering (Stan again) and grow-lights!

I hadn't checked on the shed seedlings in a few days, but Stan told me that my cilantro was finally showing a few signs of life. You saw how many seeds I threw on that dirt...well, germination for cilantro is 7-10 days and they are taking all of that! On the other hand, the old spinach seed popped up within a few days. Stan's new hot pepper seedlings have a good stand and the earlier sweet peppers are looking more like miniature versions of their adult selves. He plans to re-pot them later this week; we bought a couple more bags of potting soil yesterday. Tomato seedlings take off much more quickly than peppers--he will start those seeds in a couple of weeks.

I'll keep you apprised!

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