3 Shocking Secrets Trump AND Bernie Are Hiding From YOU!

4 years ago

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are 👉LYING TO YOU! 👈They want to make it seem as though they have completely different views, but when you analyze their policies from a macro level it becomes obvious they're basically the same politician. More government, more spending. And the net long term result will be the same, an unmanageable national debt and a huge misallocation of resources from the private sector to the public sector.

Bernie Sanders want's to add $51 trillion in spending over the next 10 years. Even with his staggering tax increases there's still a $25 trillion short fall. But at least he's up front about his intentions. Donald Trump is the opposite. Trump talks about lowering taxes, even passes a bill "lowering" taxes. OR so it seems. When you look a little closer you see Trump want's big spending and higher taxes just like Bernie. To make matters worse when you combine the change of the CPI implemented by Trump, on tax brackets, and compare that to what we might see as far as inflation if Bernie Sanders gets into office, you could be looking at a powder ready to blow. And the losers, as always would be the poor and middle class.

But will we see inflation or deflation or a stock market crash? It's too early to tell but we know with either candidate we'll have run away deficits and HIGHER taxes.

In this Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, inflation, higher taxes, misallocation of resources video I discuss the following secrets they don't want you to know.

1. How Donald Trump has INCREASED your taxes.
2. How Bernie Sanders knows tax rates have very correlation with tax revenues.
3. And both hate Henry Hazlitt! I explain why this is important.

For more content that'll help you build wealth and thrive in a world of out of control central banks and big governments check out these videos. 👇

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#Politicians #Warning #Don'tBeFooled

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