#Cuba #Repression in Santiago

4 years ago

#Cuba 🇨🇺🚨| #PoliceAbuse #repression during congas in the streets of Santiago de Cuba. Jose Daniel Ferrer, #Cuban activist, reports that there has been an incremenr if violence against the population by the Castro tyranny. An insider revealed that the cops have strict order to stop anyone who is filming them while committing their crimes against civilians. One of the propaganda and myths of the communist revolutions is that it stopped the police violence from Batista. There is more than enough evidence, accounts and data to show this has been a lie. Violence has incremented since 1959. Only now Cubans have a lightweight camera at hand. This is the Cuba of #DiazCanel and #RaulCastro #totalitarian | Source: Jose Daniel Ferrer , July 12, 2019 #SantiagoDeCuba #Freedom4Cuba #Ni1Mas #CubaDecide #Libertad #DDHH @hrf @humanrightswatch @cubadecide

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