Brüush Electric Toothbrush Unboxing & First Impressions

5 years ago

The Brüush electric toothbrush has an impressive amount of features including 31,000 brush strokes per minute, 6 different cleaning modes, a sturdy but light-weight build, and an amazing 4 week battery life. I wanted to show everything that comes in the box, go over some features and first impressions I had, and compare it to a few other electric toothbrushes I’ve been using. After I use the Brüush for a month or two I will make an updated video on how it works, how well it’s held up, and compare it to past electric toothbrushes.

#Brüush #BruushToothbrush #BruushReview #BruushUnboxing #BruushElectricToothbrush #BestToothbrush #BestElectricToothbrush #AffordableElectricToothbrush

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