Judge Judy vows to ‘fight’ Bernie Sanders and his supporters ‘to the death’

5 years ago

Judge Judy vowed to fight Bernie Sanders and his supporters to the death while on the campaign trail with Mike Bloomberg…

“It’s the most perfect country in the world. And those people who are trying to change it and revolutionize it don’t have a chance because I’ll fight them to the death!”

Presumably, Judge Judy doesn’t want to literally be judge, jury, and executioner, but she makes two very important points…

We definitely aren’t perfect, but the United States of America is the greatest country on Earth because we are the most responsible for stopping bad actors, creating good things, and promoting rule of law.

We aren’t perfect in those areas, but because of American-led progress, the world has never been more free, healthy, happy, safe, and rich.

Now if you're not an American, you are free to believe your country is more perfect for you personally, but as a whole or if you’re an American then I believe it’s important to not lose sight of just how exceptional the U.S. is because by acknowledging the big picture it’s obvious that a “revolution” is not only unnecessary, but dangerous.

It’s like blowing up your boat because you feel seasick.

Or burning down your house because you have a single serial killer in the basement.

Again, we have problems, such as inequality, national debt, and decreasing educational standards, but since times are so good, in comparison to 100% of human history, then it makes more sense to make improvements to our existing system then try to revolutionize it.

Bernie Sanders likes to pretend like the federal government can confiscate over 60 trillion dollars by just taking a few nickels and dimes here and there from people’s jars, but the reality is that he doesn’t just want change, he wants a revolution.

If Bernie Sanders got his way then America would become a radically different country with a much larger, all-encompassing federal government and therefore by extension a much smaller, highly-regulated private sector.

America doesn’t need a revolution. We just need the government to do it’s job: rebuild infrastructure, balance the budget, tax the rich, enforce the law already on the books, and restructure education to focus on jobs that actually exist. If the federal government just met its obligations then that alone would be enough change to make America greater than ever before.

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