What Happens When A Dad Stands Up To School Board Over Porn In Kids School?

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Pornography is being littered in the public indoctrination centers called public schools. From Kindergarten through high school, a variety of pornography and sexual perversions have been introduced under the radar. However, many parents are discovering what was meant to be hidden from them, but available to their children. Bruce Friedman is one of those men and having stood before his school board in an attempt to merely shame them by reading what they have allowed in children's libraries, he was silenced and warned that it was against the law to read the pornographic references found in the books they provided to children that the very board said was unlawful for him to read to them. He joins the Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor and me in this episode to talk about what they are doing in a county in Florida.

See more here: https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/what-happens-when-a-dad-stands-up-to-school-board-over-porn-in-kids-school-video/

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