Relief: the cilantro pulled through!

4 years ago

(the last few seconds you can see Stan watering his pepper plants with a 1 gallon sprayer with some kind of miracle grow water!)

This is Lori Fiechter, your impatient gardener.

I was worried. Worried that my old cilantro seed was not going to sprout. Germination was 7-10 days and finally, on day 12, I see a nice green crop of seedlings! Farmers (and gardeners) are supposed to be patient, you know. There is even a Bible verse referencing that ability--James 5:7, reminding us that just as farmers wait patiently for the rain so they have a harvest, so we should be patient waiting for Jesus to return.

Patient, I am not! But I am breathing a sigh of relief now and am eager to start some more early garden under the grow lights. I'm thinking lettuce and bunching onions. Maybe dill. At least, I could get the scallions started and then transplant them in April. That's my plan for Saturday!

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