Support Independent Investigative Journalist Mitchell Gerber

2 years ago

Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm close to the Chinese border, risking my life, trying to get the word out about the crimes in the world.

22-year investigative life's work, exposing evil and defending good.

As an independent investigative journalist, I do my best to expose the evil crimes in this world; however

I need help to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly.

With your help and kind donations, I can rest assured that I can continue my work and be safe living in a dangerous environment where my life can be taken at anytime.

With your donations you are being a SAVING GRACE in my life and my pregnant wife's life too.

The feeling of supporting someone who is risking it all is Virtue and Honorable and your reward is simply knowing you helped someone on the frontlines to DO THE RIGHT THING For Humanity.

Please Help To Support Mitchell:
If you believe in what I am doing, like my work, and want to offer your financial support for my efforts in getting the truth out, please kindly do so below:



I believe strongly in a quote Id like to share with you:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke


Mitchell Nicholas Gerber

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