Doublespeak from Erev Rav Asher Weiss on the "unvaccinated"

2 years ago

In the English version, he claims the "vast majority" of people getting seriously ill and dying from "covid" are the "unvaccinated". In the Hebrew version, he adds a VERY hasty disclaimer that this refers specifically to those who were "unvaccinated" with the third shot.

This was the propaganda tactic of the corrupt establishment at the time, who subtly redefined the term "vaccinated" to mean "took all the shots at least two weeks ago". On this basis they deceitfully claimed that "unvaccinated" people were dropping like flies, and they were the ones responsible for all the world's problems. And on this basis they claimed everyone should run and take more shots, while smearing and destroying the lives of those filthy, murderous "anti-vaxxers".

Asher Weiss followed the script like a good little stooge for the establishment, for whom he works.

Original videos:
English version from 2:25:

Hebrew version from 2:20:

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