I Want To Be With You (Live Living Room Acoustic) by Workman Song

5 years ago

That song in the Subaru ad? That was me! I'm so blown away by all the support. This one's for everyone who's asked about a little live version of "I Want To Be With You". I don't have the greatest camera setup as you can see (maybe that can change!), but I hope you enjoy! It sure was a process getting a take (maybe I'll release the disastrous outtakes some time, but it was a lot of cussing!), but here she is!

Bandcamp: https://workmansong.bandcamp.com/track/i-want-to-be-with-you
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/6P0zsiwCfWkoWZtROlwosb?si=aFro0PUZT12jj_RO-fmVcg
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/seanmcmahon
Venmo: @ssmcm
PayPal: https://paypal.me/workmansong

Did you know that one digital sale of $1 earns more income for an artist than 13 hours of streaming? -- that's about 200 streams! Consider supporting me by purchasing this song at the above Bandcamp link, or Venmo a Digital Tip to @ssmcm or PayPal at https://paypal.me/workmansong

I want to have more fun
My life has just begun
I feel so wide awake
I feel the give and take
I want the green and the blue
I want the sea and the dew
I want the push and the pull
I want to feel so full

I want to be with you
I want our dreams to come true
I want to work through my pain
No need to feel ashamed
I want to be lifted up
I want to fill my cup
I want to be with you
I want to be with you

I want to hold your hand
I want to be your man
I want share my heart
The light and the dark
I want to understand
I know that I can
I want to be seen straight through
I want to be with you

I want to take the cake
I want to want to raise the stakes
I want to live life wild
I want to have a child

I want to see it all
It’s all so beautiful
I want to fight the good fight
I want to join together our lives

I want to be one, not two
I want to be with you

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