Worship Chat with my Sisters

5 years ago

Chatting and having fun as we discuss the importance of worship in our lives and some of our personal experiences in worship!

To register for the When Women Worship Conference: https://thekingsremnant.weebly.com/store/p1/WhenWomenWorshipConference.html

To reach Dawn & Monica of The Kings Remnant, find them on IG: @kings_remnant

To reach Monica of Soup D'Lish, find her on IG: @soup_delish

To reach Tonya of The Olive Branch: www.TheOliveBranchOnline.org
Or, find her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Olive-Branch-Community-Outreach-for-Girls-109504667248522/

To reach Dawn & Kenney of Relationship Restoration Coaching: https://www.rrcoach.net/#/

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