Beards and Bucks in Bama Territory! This year is looking good!

2 years ago

Bama Beards and Bucks are healthy and looking good. I have a few hens with beards and a long beard I have been watching. The deer are growing their antlers and have tons of high nutrition browse that they are eating. I have a few food plots that are continuing to grown Durana clover and plan on just hitting them with some fertilizer in October. One buck has a deformed on injured antler and we are gonna pass him up this year regardless of what he grows just to see if he grows a decent rack of antlers next year. The way it looks he injured his antler and not his body.We have had a very wet spring this year and it is raining here daily for the past 2 weeks with rain in the forecast daily for the next 10 days. I have just a few coyotes on camera. They mainly show up during fawning season which for us is around September/October time frame. We have conducted control burns now for the past 3 years. Keeping it on a 3 year burn cycle will keep the vegetation at 3 to 4 feet providing food and cover for deer, turkeys, quail, etc. The goal is to grow healthy animals and birds which while doing so should grow nice sized animals.

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