2 years ago

The second coming of the Lord is at hand, and all sealed-up biblical prophecies are being fulfilled. As foreshadowed by the building of the second temple in 531 BC the second age of one faith from God Christianity is back! The only true religion from God is back!
It means that our Babylonian/Rome apostasy, the times of ignorance are ending 2 Thess. 2:3-11. Satan wielded and ruled over us with his mega sword Gnosticism Gen. 2:17; Rev. 6:4: denominationalism, socialism, atheism, fascism, and every wind of the doctrine of men. Satan, the man of sin Rom. 5:12-21 only now revealed after 1680 years has lied about everything, about his being God, about us being like God, about Lucifer the fallen angel, about demons, aliens, lizard people, every wind of the doctrine of men. This is how Paul was in all good conscience in persecuting Christians, Satan playing God 2 Thess. 2:3-7 said that the word Elohim was plural but that it was to emphasize that he was the only member of the Godhead. Paul in persecuting Christians for blasphemy was in all good conscience because he believed God told him to! It is why there are many people in this perverse generation that in all good conscience believe in almost all false doctrines of men! For 40 years I tried to warn people about the Bible from God and the apostasy, but the timing wasn't right, and the Lord was always in control. I am so weary of this "cancel culture", the insane world with everyone thinking they are God and their moral opinions matter! The ways of God are back (His Bible, religion, and soon kingdom) salvation is brought back down, thank the Lord God Almighty! Now one last time we get to fight the good fight of faith and prepare for things that are exceeding abundantly greater than we ever could have imagined Eph. 3:20: Isa. 55:9.
and now we get to fight the good fight of faith!!
everyone thinks they are God and that their moral opinions matter!
We have been under a strong delusion and the Lord has hidden His face, power, glory, majesty, and bible so that those counted as righteous could patiently wait for His second coming James 5:11. We were saved by grace and not at all by the religions of men Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30. We are in the last days of the kingdoms of men, as the Lord will only allow them to stand up to Him for 40 years. There must be a war fought between the ways of men and the ways of God, between good and evil. All evil men who cannot give up their blasphemy will be burned up by the destroyer comet sent by the Lord 2 Peter 3. The ways of God are as high as the heavens above the ways of men Isaiah 55:9. Truth, the Bible from God is exceeding abundantly greater than we ever could have imagined Eph. 3:20. Chose this day who you will serve, either God or man Acts 17:30. Please consider this the Lord's warning. He is commanding all men everywhere to repent for the second age of the kingdom is at hand Rev. 18:4; 22: 20.

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