Spiritual Triage For Suffering Souls

2 years ago

Spiritual Triage For Suffering Souls

March 3, 2022

(Watch the Vimeo video)

God, thank You for being with us right now. Help us to understand when we need to urgently pray and minister to others and that these souls will know that You are their God, died for them, will forgive them as they forgive others and they shall be saved. Amen.

Blessed Mother appeared to me in a black veil, signifying mourning. "The situation is extremely complicated but any direction they go in could well end in the whole world fighting. Pray for the innocents and the children, the losses for some are tragic. This is what we have been praying will not happen, but this means the world is going forward with war. PRAY...PRAY...PRAY MUCH!

"Pray for the children, the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters. Oh, Clare war is such a terrible thing, it is so terrible, oh Clare pray, pray as if your life was at stake. My Children, if you do nothing but pray against this war and for those who are going through unbelievable loss and suffering, you will have consoled the heart of many. Also, you may travel there to bring comfort and pray for certain ones."-- --

"How should we do this Mother?"

"Wait on the Lord, take His hand and go with Him. He will escort you to those who are most in need in this hour. All of you heart dwellers, commit yourselves to offering spiritual triage to these suffering souls. Many are Eastern Catholic and are crying out to God, they need absolution and communion."

After she said this I rested in the Lord and Jesus appeared before me. He took my hand and we went inside the area that had been shelled, to minister reconciliation, ask them to forgive and give them the Eucharist. Jesus said, "I will have you to stay here to pray and minister, this is real. No condemnation Clare, just minister."

Dear Family, all of us can go in the spirit to assist suffering souls who are sick, dying and unprepared for death. Comfort them by holding their hand, asking them if they know Jesus, have them forgive all and turn to the Lord for His merciful love will draw them to Himself.

God bless you dear ones.

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