#Cuba #DTI arrests a civilian in Centro Habana

4 years ago

#Cuba 🇨🇺🛑 | #DTI ( Tecnical Department of Investigation) known as undercover State Security wearing civilian clothes, arrested this civilian for allegedly selling, get this, sunglasses. Yes sunglasses. According to witnesses, the Castro thugs did not find any sunglasses, yet he was accused of undermining authority. Seen here, his mother is trying to protect him. If it wasn’t for this video, this man, his mom and his wife would have faced a 3 year sentence. Imagine that, because of sunglasses. This is what the socialist dictatorship does to Cubans.

Source: Youtube Channel: Vivan Los Derechos Humanos El Cambio es Ya

Place: #Havana #LaHabana Calle San Miguel, Industria y Consulado. Centro Habana
Date: 2019
#CubaReal #Freedom4Cuba #AbuseOfForce #HumanRights #footage #policebrutality #HumanRightsViolations #Repression #Communism #ElCambioEsYa #CubaDecide #Ni1Mas #CambioDeSistema #FreeCuba #LlegoLaHora #PNR #Minint #DTI

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