*New* Superdan joins YouTube with Rumble.July Cigar Review The Mango Cedar 7x38

2 years ago

Welcome to the Superdan Lounge! 07/26/22
I will be joining my cigar reviews with Rumble and YouTube (so long as YouTube allows it). This decision is made mostly on viewing distribution, audience totals, amount of viewable clicks, and so forth. YouTube by far is the majority viewership of social media video experience. However, youtube is still practicing fascist policies of censoring and demonetizing cigar reviewers and others, and for this we should (and I do) continue to hold YouTube (Google) feet to the fire for this.
So Welcome to the Superdan cigar Lounge! Here I review The Mango Cedar by Tabacalera Tolupan in Honduras brought by the Privada Cigar Club.
I use the Superdan 5 star rating. I rate Price, Construction, Taste, and an overall score.
Mango Cedar: Price: 3.0 stars, Construction: 2.9 stars, Taste: 3.0 stars, Overall Score: 3.1 stars. Medium Strength and body, tastes of cedar, mango slices and paprika and moderate spice. First two thirds excellent taste, last third became bitter and acid...un-smokable. Likely due to two re-lights.
No longer on Patreon. Can support the channel via paypal: superdanman88@outlook.com

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