Purim Focus & Unified Prayer - 3 Podcasts!

4 years ago

1. Listen to our Audio #EmunaPodcast - https://anchor.fm/breslevIsrael/episodes/Emuna-is-our-Future-with-Purim-Masks--Healing-eb6kdr Crowning the King is a big part of Purim, the truth is every day in our 2020 generation, revealing the King is a huge theme of the day! Esther the Queen understood this in the biggest hidness of the King! She was in constant prayer & connection to the true King!
Watch the Live Feed with the Edited Version coming soon - https://www.facebook.com/breslev.english/videos/3691013957605621/
The Masks and Cover-up including this current #CoronaVirus scare are all about a false kind of crowning, & once unraveled we can come to real #healing! The truth of our journey on our Emuna Tour & beyond is giving us a message of clarity & #emuna! Turning to Hashem is the only answer!
Happy birthday to Eli G 40th is a big number of #understanding!

2. Listen to our #relationship #flow podcast: Relationship Coverup to Oneness! https://anchor.fm/eli-real/episodes/Relationship-Coverup-to-Oneness-eb626a

The Relationship Goal of becoming One! Our 2020 generation obstacles can be overcome with true flow & dedication! We can be happy & focused, share our special 40th Birthday which comes out in both calendars a week apart from 7th Adar to Purim! All the blessings of relationship oneness! To share your relationship flow - unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com!

3. Listen to our #UnityFlow #podcast: The Flow to Crown the King! https://anchor.fm/eligoldsmith/episodes/The-Flow-to-Crown-the-King-eb5teg

Crowning the King on Purim, is about within all the cover-up that exists, to go ahead with a Flow that with #Unified Oneness! Revealing on a daily level bringing the truth of creation into our daily life! #NissimBlack has tours to NY and Istanbul coming up no matter what! Happy 40th Birthday for my Purim celebration best day here in Jerusalem! For your flow & our #Unitybookings!

For our #EmunaTour 2020 email Eli.Goldsmith@breslev.co.il! Click to partner now - https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html

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