A Business / Sales Coach who LOVES Sales and Networking Today with Tracy Lane Beavers - 07.26.22

2 years ago

TrulyYourVA with Janis welcomed to today’s podcast, Tracy Lane Beavers. Tracy loves sales and networking and she wants you to love it too! As a Business / Sales Coach, she enjoys helping small business owners scale to their next level with a clear roadmap for success.

Tracy has more than twenty years experience in sales and marketing. As the owner of three businesses, she understands the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship. She brings her authenticity and experience in her coaching by helping her clients build their business in a way that is authentic to them. There are logistics of networking, or as some refer to as collaborating. Networking was previously done in-person whereas nowadays, it is mostly conducted on-line. Tracy stresses to take the time to connect first and build that rapport and relationship and to always add value.

Tracy’s experience prior to becoming an entrepreneur has evolved over time. She was actually working full-time while building her businesses and then eventually left her corporate careers which spanned several industries: insurance, lending, real estate, and sales.

What always remained constant for her was the love of people and her passion to help them WIN. She has a unique and distinct ability to build these relationships with others and listen to her clients’ needs which has remained the bedrock of her success in sales. Tracy obviously enjoys helping small business owners and many of her referrals come from her own clients.

Tracy stressed that part of the relationship in maintaining communication with her clients is to have a CRM which is a way to keep you organized to follow up with your clients. She and her assistance also use Trello.

Tracy is also a public speaker, published author and has been featured on top business podcasts. She has also been a regular contributor on one of her hometown’s premier TV shows.

Tracy also offers two online courses: “Business Visibility Made Easy” and “Be A Confident Entrepreneur”. She has a group coaching program and offers private 1:1 coaching for clients wanting a VIP custom experience.

To connect with Tracy further, please check out her website, other various social media platforms:






Tracy shared such valuable information on today’s podcast! Her generous commitment to serve others is the foundation of how a business should be run! I can’t thank her enough for being my guest today and can’t wait to have her back on!

Let me know what you thought of today’s podcast. Do you want to start your on-line business and just don’t know where to start? Please go to my website and leave me a voice message.
TrulyYourVA with Janis is the business Podcast to inspire, connect and collaborate with like-minded entrepreneurs. Do you have an online business, podcast or expertise that you would like to be featured on my podcast? I welcome you to check out my website, and “register as a guest”:


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