Did he say bring back a new Baal? @JamesKaddis

2 years ago

7/26/22 on @JamesKaddis live show today Q and A live, I had a question and the question was when he was talking with the Israeli Official did he hear the man say he wanted to bring in a new baal, this is his response and then the live from the original video from where my question came from, this had been on my mind every since that video and finally my question came through and he asked live if I could produce a video of it. I hope anyone who watches his show or James would see this and bring it to his attention please! If he thinks that is what he said and maybe at the moment didnt catch it I am hoping he can follow up with the man in the video to shed some light on the subject.
Original live show from where my question came from--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV5O7Esn59s&t=239s the few second clip I used was starting at the 3:50 mark of that vid
7/26/22 live show where my question was asked- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRxZN1nV4HU the few second clip I used started at the 44:35 mark.

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