B Major Barre Chord Tips

4 years ago

The B Major Barre Chord is really based on the A Major Open String chord.

Some people find that their ring finger bends funny and might cause pain.

What this videos will show you is how to get past that by sneaking around it at first.

To begin I want you to start with just the two notes that form the power chord. This was the same method used when I made the video on the E shape Barre Chord.

Once you feel confident in moving your power chord around then we are going to talk about deadening the e strings.

We are not going to use either E string in order to play the B major Bar Chord.

Now the B major barre chord 7th fret can be played but you need to use the E shape barre chord for that.

our next trick will be to use the upper E string in order to play a dominant 7th chord. This exercise is more for the eye than it is for the fingers.

It shows you where the chordal environment lies on the fret board.

The next step will be to play octaves up and down. Octaves based on the A string will give you a better sense of what your ring finger will be involved with as far as placement.

Each of these exercises you may notice are done chromatically up and down the neck rather than statically and stodgily in one position. Therefore we will name every positional situation based on the A string.

now the big step will be to use the ring finger for 3 notes up and down chromatically. we will be very careful to place and lift so as to not cause any pain.

Another step will be to use 3 2 1 fingers in the same process.

Our last step will involve transitioning to the E shape barre chord back and forth.

So if you need to know that chord better then go here first: https://youtu.be/apN6KQgL8Xg .

We are going to go back and forth between the two as we descend chromatically.

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