Commentary on the Larger Sutra: Section 7 - The 48 Vows of Amida Buddha

4 years ago

Welcome to my Commentary on the Sutra on the Buddha of Infinite Life (Larger Sutra)!
Click here to download the free online edition in pdf (515 pages),

Table of Contents for my commentary on section 7 – the 48 Vows of Amida Buddha:

The meaning of "if when I attain Buddhahood" [...]"may I not attain the supreme
Enlightenment" from each of the 48 vows

1. Vows about Amida Buddha and His Pure Land
The Infinite Light of Amida Buddha – explanation of the 12th Vow
Amida’s transcendental manifestations will last forever – explanation of the 13th Vow (Infinite Life)
The Pure Land of Amida reveals in its Light all the Buddha-lands - explanation of the 31st Vow
The manifestations of the Pure Land – explanation of the 32nd Vow

2. Vows related with the salvation of all sentient beings
The vow of complete reliance on the Power of Amida - explanation of the Primal Vow (18th Vow)
Vows made for those who still cling to their own power - explanation of the 19th Vow and 20th Vow
No discrimination against women in the salvation of Amida Buddha - explanation of the 35th Vow
All Buddhas praise Amida’s Name and encourage us to say it - explanation of the 17th Vow
Beings who have faith in Amida dwell in the definitely assured state and immediately attain Nirvana after birth in the Pure Land - explanation of the 11th Vow
The peace and happiness of faith (shinjin) - explanation of the 33rd vow
Returning from the Pure Land - explanation of the 22nd Vow

3. Vows explaining the characteristics, the capacities and activities of beings who attained Enlightenment in the Pure Land after being born there

4. Vows related with bodhisattvas in other lands (not yet born in the Pure Land)


The audio version of this book is a work in progress by my Dharma friend Gansen John Welch from Australia, to whom I am very grateful. A new chapter will be added as soon as it is recorded.

Here you can download a selection of my other books (links for the audio versions of each book is included),

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