2 years ago

The identity of the parent is apparent in the child. In this sermon Pastor Turner, citing many passages from the word of God, invites listeners to (in effect) look at themselves in the mirror and ask themselves if they can truly see evidence that God is their Father, that Jesus Christ is their Savior, and that GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT is the life giving presence within them. Spiritual things ae spiritually discerned. Are you the beneficiary and recipient of God's work of faith to believe on His Who He hath sent? Do you believe on His name? Were you born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of GOD? Are the works wrought by you your works? Or, have you the peace ordained by the Lord Who hast wrought all your works in you? If you think you're holding a ticket you bought that you can cash in for a trip to salvation, you better face that you are utterly bankrupt and holding onto nothing of worth in the eyes of God. But if you know the gift of the Lord God, Who in mercy and love for you His dear child has purchased you by the propitiatory sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, ransoming you thereby from your sin and corruption, you know you are a child of God. You know God is your Father; your identity is in Christ Jesus, and you show forth to the world and are known by the Spirit of God that abides in you.

If this is a blessing to you by God's grace, please write to Pastor Turner at P.O. Box 257 Grantville, PA 17028 or via e-mail at Bookland@Comcast.net to let him know that the Lord has blessed you in this preaching. You may also write to Pastor Turner if by your study of God's eternal, infallible word, the AV1611 King James Bible, you have honest questions about the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ as revealed therein to God's Elect.

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