Avorion Update .33.2 And the hunt for the empire continues

4 years ago

Exodus artifact is dumped near the player
Resource Depots can now refine faster when equipped with assembly blocks
Implemented an AI command for repairing other ships
Renamed "Defense Weapons" to "Internal Defense Weapons" for better clarity
You can now drop stolen cargo to get controlling ships off your back
Prevention of player-to-player damage no longer prevents player-to-player healing
Increased time between spy report mails
Full cargo notification when mining and salvaging is now disabled if there is another command in the orderchain

Added new icons for Missions Tab
Improved design of Missions Tab
Improved input in ComboBoxes when using IME
Updated German Localization
Added a separate window to explain how Singleplayer starts a Singleplayer Server Instance
Improved layout of Crew Tab
Added separate settings to pick up different kinds of cargo
Added "your cargo bay is empty" line in CargoBay Tab if cargo bay is empty
Added an icon to resource depot when it has a finished refinery job

Added debug logging to find the cause of more issues
Several minor performance improvements

Fixed an issue where entries with 0 cargo were showing up in fleet overview
Fixed an issue where integrity field wasn't shown in Building Mode
Fixed several issues with aiming of coaxial weapons over long distances
Fixed several issues where camera was moving on mouse move while windows were visible
Fixed several issues where players could get stuck in tutorial
Fixed an issue where order chains would stop being executed
Fixed an issue where orientation of blocks wasn't taken into account while transforming
Fixed an issue where the overlap blocks check was wrong
Fixed an issue where ships would clump up after flying through a gate
Fixed several issues with untranslated mails in Hangar/Fighter tutorial mission
Fixed an issue where allies of the player during the end boss fight could attack each other
Fixed an issue where "investigate missing freighters" mission lead players into a rift
Fixed several issues with texts
Fixed an issue in turret factory where the value of the created turret would way higher than its ingredients and production cost
Fixed an issue in Strategy Mode where 2-step orders were finicky
Fixed several issues with pirate encounters
Fixed an issue where fighting introduction didn't finish after pirate was destroyed

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