Privacy and Freedom | The Gold Standard 2226

2 years ago

Privacy and freedom are essential foundations of the American idea. Unfortunately, freedom and privacy are slowly eroding, just as the US dollar value is gradually eaten away by runaway inflation. Series host Dave Deno and his guest Ken Russo, VP of the Midas Gold group, discuss privacy and freedom associated with your money.

Any proposal by lawmakers to let the IRS snoop around bank accounts is a Federal intrusion into the financial lives of everyday American citizens. In addition to hiring 80,000 new IRS agents, the Biden administration is pushing plans to add another layer of government scrutiny to everyone’s private information. Under the guise of going after criminals, Biden’s proposal is another attack on our constitutional rights.

In many ways, the digital age of hyper-connectivity has all of us living in a constant state of surveillance. What is one more violation of personal privacy?

While it’s easy to become complacent, we must guard against becoming indifferent to breaches of our privacy rights. To do so dishonors the generations of brave men and women who struggled and sacrificed to win our rights to privacy and freedom.

From the perspective of the Constitution, it’s like conducting massive searches without the need for a search warrant. It’s a disturbing trend that all of us should observe; the government is known for saying one thing even as it does something entirely different.

Setting the stage for more surveillance could be part of a broader strategy. It could be an early indicator that the Fed is purposefully manufacturing the demise of the US dollar to help reshape the global monetary system. It would be most convenient for them to know the details of everyone’s account.

Financial freedom usually means having the means to afford the lifestyle of your choosing. It might include a nest egg for retirement or the freedom to pursue your career of choice. The financial freedom discussed in this program is the liberty to use your own money without third-party monitoring and interference, perhaps telling you what to do with your money.

One of our rights as US citizens is the right to privacy. Financial institutions are required to protect the confidentiality of consumer finances under a federal law called the Financial Modernization Act of 1999.

Regardless of professional career or retirement status, there is worry about the erosive effects of runaway inflation. Everything you buy costs more while everything you own goes down in value. The Gold Standard message is about taking action to protect and preserve your wealth.

There is no substitute for “Gold you can hold.” Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), pool accounts, and certificate programs are all pieces of paper or entries in a ledger book promising to deliver precious metals someday.

This paper market could be much larger than the physical market. Customers of the paper gold market think they own gold when they don’t. How many of them will be able to access physical gold during a panic?

Gold and silver are the few financial assets you can hold outside the financial system. If you don’t have possession of the precious metals, or if there are no storage fees because there’s nothing to be stored. The gold you can hold means you have physical control of the asset.

People approaching retirement begin to ache in their stomachs, wondering if their savings and investment accounts are losing money. What are the proper steps to protecting retirement and preserving wealth? It’s a question everyone must be asking.

While contemplating the answer to that question, consider this quote from E. B. Tucker’s book WHY GOLD, WHY NOW?

“Gold is simple. It’s the only asset that doesn’t depend on something else for its value. Stocks depend on a company’s profits, bonds on a coupon payment, and apartments need tenants. Gold needs nothing. It’s pure, unadulterated wealth.”

If you’ve never seen a proof American Gold Eagle bullion coin up close, you’re missing a stunning example of American craftsmanship. The American Gold Eagle Proof coins would be an excellent addition to any precious metal bullion holdings.

Proof coins have frosted designs surrounded by stunning mirror fields. Since the mintages are much smaller than their standard issue counterparts, they demand a much higher premium. Much care and attention to detail go into creating Proof American Gold Eagles. The glossy finish and spectacular detail make them an irresistible collector’s piece and a great way to hold physical gold.

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