Melbourne Protest Rally - 23 07 2022 - Part 7 of 9

2 years ago

March up Burke Street
Pass a Protest protesting Turkey in Syria and that war - seeking Australia to end security ties with Turkey
March down Elizabeth Street - Collins Street - Swanston Street
Stooges from Melbourne Town Hall giving the police 2 thumbs up after Courageous Drummers Drummed their heart beats of Love outside the Melbourne Town Hall as the Criminals in Costumes stand by watching
A number of Criminals in Costumes get into a van
March up Burke Street
Government wants you to take 5 or more experimental DNA gene editing jabs
Remember when it was only 2 jabs ? Now government wants you to take 5 of the exact same jabs.
(( Medical Professionals are leaving and being fired from their jobs because they seen what happens to those who are jabbed and do not want to give people the jab, nor do they want to take the jab ))
Your Body - Your Choice.
Babys Body - Babys Choice.
Truths and questions about the jabs
How many jabs will you take before you fall over ?
Inspirational Drumming at Burke Street
police telling us where we can and can not walk on the footpath and where we can and can not video
March up Burke Street towards parliament house

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