Ancient Alien Central Bankers, Architects of Doom?

2 years ago

Was Nancy Pelosi told by China, Larry Fink, Central Bankers, & UN Child Traffickers & Blood Drinkers to start Nuclear War w/ China, so Russian & China invade USA for QR Code Central Banker One World Chinese Reserve Digital Currency Klaus Schwab "You shall eat zee bugs" Great Reset? StopTheBS (Warning: Controversial Subject, Opinion) LBGTQ+ Bi-Sexual Incestuous Pedophile Joe Biden is #1 Chinese & Israeli B.A.R. Association Intel Central Banker Puppet, A F’ing LYING LAWYER SCUMBAG REPRESENTING ALL INT’L ATTORNEYS. Get married, they want all in the divorce for “their hours”. Have kids, they want them in courts & drugged up by Monsanto Chinese [CB] [DS] Big Pharma DoD CIA FBI CDC FDA NIH W.H.O., have an inheritance ... they take that too. Have a small business or farm, they’ll take it. Have FREEDOM ... ??? More video:

UNITED STATES of AMERICA, the Corporation is BANKRUPT. The Corporation needs to be dissolved, R&R, Removed & Replaced w/ a Constitutional Version. Laws should be in plain English, Common Law. B.A.R., UN, Central Bankers, Criminal Corporations, & Int’l Unions need to be evicted.

The Central Bankers shutting everything off means they want to provoke us to attack them, thinking people will attack the Government. The US cut off Japan’s ability to import energy. So Japan was baited into attacking Pearl Harbor.

The Central Bankers left their old ships out as bait. The Japanese Command didn’t hit all the fuel reserves in Hawaii. That alone could have won them the war. That is another story. So what is [DS CB] doing now?

(Warning: Extreme Foul Language, Controversial Subject, Opinion) LBGTQ+ Bi-Sexual Incestuous Pedophile Joe Biden is #1 Chinese & Israeli B.A.R. Association Intel Central Banker Puppet, A F’ing LYING LAWYER SCUMBAG REPRESENTING ALL INT’L ATTORNEYS. Get married, they want all in the divorce for “their hours”. Have kids, they want them in courts & drugged up by Monsanto Chinese [CB] [DS] Big Pharma DoD CIA FBI CDC FDA NIH W.H.O., have an inheritance ... they take that too. Have a small business or farm, they’ll take it. Have FREEDOM ... ??? More video:

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