Super Tuesday

5 years ago

OK its super Tuesday and a couple of democrat candidates for president dropped out over the weekend, Buttigieg and Klobuchar, so they could get a deal with Biden I’m sure. Biden’s crushing win in South Carolina was a big harbinger for establishment candidates because they’re all still trying to say their political party still believes in American values even if every day we see direct evidence to contrary. They will fight to the bitter end to keep Bernie Sanders from winning and they’re doing their best to ignore Mike Bloomberg. Fauxchahontas Senator Warren is still in and I would be surprised to see her get out as long as sanders has a shot at the nomination. For the casual observers out there, you’re seeing what both political party’s establishment wings try to do so don’t get any ideas that either party is above slimy moves to keep their establishment in power. If you folks in the Republican party didn’t learn that lesson from the Trump campaign and his win, then you are “dumb as a box of rocks” as my EOD instructor used to say to our class when I was 17. They’re going to try and take Bernie’s nomination and that’s just the way it is. Do I ever want him to be President, absolutely not, but he is the most popular pick among the Democrat party base, which seriously favors socialism, as all the polling easily reveals every week? My challenge to the rest of us, who still believe in America’s foundational values, regardless of what political party we’re in, is get out there and work to defeat the Democrat party up and down the ballot, and work hard, because the Bernie Bro’s are.

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