Geoje Island South Korea|| Oedo Island Tour_2022

2 years ago

Dear friends in this video South Korea is very popular Geoje Island oedo botania All the information will be given on how to go and how much it will cost Directly from any city in South Korea Geoje bus terminal Come, then take a taxi or local bus, Jangseungpo Cruise Terminal 장승포유람선터미널 You will get off at this address, then go to the ticket counter to buy a ticket, the ticket price is 3300 won Korean currency. From here you ship oedo botania You will be able to enjoy the waves of the sea, the mountains, on the way,

Full address given Passenger Terminal
138, Jangseung-ro, Geoje-si, Gyeongsangnam-do
Local bus terminal
문화예술회관 정류장
Culture and Arts Center stop

Geoje bus terminal address
Gohyeon Bus Terminal
10, Gohyeoncheon-ro, Geoje-si, Gyeongsangnam-do


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