an bhunreacta 1937 :rory-brian:

2 years ago

I caught up for a chat with rory and mark.

The corruption rory and mark are revealing to us from the Irish court system and the GARDAI is on another level.
Irish law was evoked under the 1937 an bhunreacta.
Personage was put upon the living man.

When the law is created by criminals it will only make criminals out of those who fall under it.

Freedom is not free.

We live in a world where if you don't agree with the policies of government you are branded a terrorist.
Many don't want to be free. They are quiet happy to be slaves to the crown establishment of IRELAND.

We have been led into a life of enslavement by the government. The deception, lies and destruction they have bestowed upon the people of eiRe for hundreds of years has come to its pinnacle.

Every single man and woman on eiRe is at risk of losing their homes to the provisional Irish government, who are controlled by the World Economic Forum.

What rory is doing is paving the path to freedom for all.

The banks who repossess houses are governments in disguise. They are the ones who are the criminals.

They have destroyed the health of a nation making it easy for them to control. A weak man is exactly what they want. We have a country full of sick men and women who live in fear. They bow down to their slave masters. Big pharma has made it that way, peoples love for blindly believing their doctors has ruined the people of eiRe. We have the remedy for all. We want to make this beautiful island of eiRe a better place. We want our absolute freedom to do this. IRELAND is the corporation name given to us. It does not exist on our sovereign land.

Our day will come !!!

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