Lying about the Jews and the Talmud. Items Lost and Found - from the Bible to the Talmud.

5 years ago

No, the Talmud does not allow theft or randomly taking and keeping the possessions of gentiles. Islam does allow lying to the kaffir and is inherently filled with Jew-hatred. Sharia law has 6 legal forms of deception, which is where much of these false stories are likely sourced from. The Jewish/Christian 10 Commandments are clear, "Thou Shalt Not Steal", and the Talmud is a commentary on the Torah/Bible. Let's examine.

For more than two dozen of shows and 50+ hours of detailed educational content on what you need to know about Islam from its best sources, look for my recent presentations on the Reasoned Answers channel and the Islam UnSpun series with Jan Irvin.

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