Defending Sage Tullis On Religion Drama (Okaysage, Gtfosage); Modern Culture & Controversy | Podcast

4 years ago

Please Consider & Please Read The Following:
Love is the answer when nature is the answer, love is of TRUE nature. I figured why not speak about a more-pop-culture current event in order to help spread the message at hand. Have an open mind to my message, I would appreciate it! Also, the way I see she talks about certain issues, is how I feel when I'm passionate on camera... the nervousness, however I'm not sure. It is important to note that we create motivational factors in our life as necessary, including making videos releasing our thoughts. Haters aren't necessarily reflecting ignorance, but they may be. I like to observe these events and the beliefs of many individuals. Wouldn't hurt to try to create a bridge for connection, of ALL sides.What's the problem with defending someone of my age? I don't want someone to breakdown and be confused. I believe in innocent souls of beauty, of which we all are. I want all people to have direction. And now she has to live with people reuploading and editing her videos to make it look scary when all peoples clearly act for a reason and have a deeper intention? Humanity IS in trouble, and YES... GOD (Nature) is the answer. It's either you are for evil or for life (live) in your belief system... many simply don't understand the evil that DOES exist, often all around when it well shouldn't because truth and nature IS all around; it's a matter of acceptance. People can't accept a simple youtuber and their thoughts, pity... defeats the purpose of "love" and "connection." There is NO love in evil. It is rightful to be angry and passionate... many may not have a passion nowadays. Mostly, people lack self-control and nature; from even natures point of view, which doesn't necessarily CARE about you, but rather WORKS WITH YOU if you WORK WITH IT. Holistic healing is often right brain, so I must hold right-brain imbalances accountable. But no reason to hate or dismay or disorient someone for their beliefs. Are you seeking all sides? Do you understand how she reacts? Do we know her true intentions and feelings? Does she even know? Much to ask. I'm here to try to help provide more direction in this confusing overwhelming life, I understand. Do love. We do all have faults too, I know I'm on technology too much; not walking the talk when it specifically comes to being with nature as much as I should; but it is always beside me (window). Also, I know I lack social life, despite different measures I try (I don't see much opportunity to grasp), so that also contributes to me growing out my face hair and being sometimes a bit older than my age when it comes to thought and debate although I still want to be a fun, loving, more-accepting child at heart. I know that I would be suitable to more people my age if I shaved my face hair for example, and I'd love it too as I'm doing it accordingly (not necessarily out of social standards, but partly, I have confusion there) but I get in a crucial element of my life (social life), if I saw more people my age.
Ps. Accepting can be hard in the holistic field if you want to "avoid" certain forces or influences; you just want FREEDOM ultimately, not just love. I hope to keep more people accountable when it comes to not accepting too much but not accepting too little of ANY kind; all dependent on different factors. Young people are closer to nature, ironically, despite being on technology more than others, then again, it was designed in such way; they are more vulnerable, for good and bad reasons, however that's why I particularly love talking and connecting with them, they are willing to learn and grasp it better SOMETIMES being at the edge of the modern world... plus, we are the future for next generations. My clientele focus is usually older age, but it's important to note where change will most likely occur; preventative, beginning (constructive) stages. Not gonna lie, was a little hesitant to upload this, but I feel it was necessary to put out and for future drama reference. In any case, I believe in Sage as I do YOU and any human being. Thanks if you took the time to listen and read! People SHOULD wake up thru making actions in alignment with nature; otherwise YES, the world will end. Jesus return? I'm not speak of such, her thoughts don't bother me. However be VERY careful with "messiah" "new age" "third temple" beliefs.
End Goal? Transparency, Direction, Freedom, Love, Accountability, Reasoning & Understanding At Balance. I personally can definitely see some confusion within herself, some "not able to know how to handle this exactly" about going this, from watching the videos; leading to changes in voice/personality as people commented; I blame none. She but MANY others require more self-discovery and accountability as a whole, therefore I don't think ANYONE is crazy; however power is of question.
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