How To Transport Fish | How To Travel With Your Fish SAFELY | Reducing STRESS

5 years ago

How To Transport Fish ~ Transporting fish has been a part of fish culture. For this reason, many methods of transporting fish are being developed. There are ways on how you can transport fish from short and long distances, and these are crucial for the fish’s health and survival. You might end up suffocating the fish or crush them if you don’t know the right way of transporting them.

To transport fish, you can use a plastic bag, aquarium water, and pure oxygen that you can usually buy in pet stores. For those who don’t want to use this method, you can proceed reading this article to learn about other ways to transport fish.

Transporting The Fish In A Car

It is not that hard to transport a fish using your car, but you still need to do it the right way, if not you will get the fish killed. Please take note that fish tend to get stressed quickly, and long-distance travel could kill them. The chances of dying are high if you are to travel for more than a day. To ensure the chance of survival, you need to take some precautions. It would be best if you remember that using a bucket to transport the fish is not advisable. It is because if the fish were in a bucket during the drive, then it would be killed the time you slam onto the break of your car.

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