#294: Stop the McElroy Elevation Part II—Rachel Mastrogiacomo and Gene Gomulka

2 years ago

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Today’s episode is the second of two interviews with Rachel Mastrogiacomo, with guest pro-bono sexual abuse advocate Gene Gomulka.

The background of her being groomed over time and satanically ritually raped by then-Father Jacob Bertrand is found in last week’s show. Gene Gomulka goes into more detail about the legalities and the ecclesial context of corruption that allowed this systemic evil to perpetuate.


👉More detailed facts of the case
👉How San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy denied, deflected, and maneuvered to protect her perpetrator Bertrand
👉Why McElroy and Francis the Merciful need to resign and do penance
👉The McElroy/Mc Carrick connection
👉The kind of prelates Bergoglio promotes and protects
👉How the North American College in Rome (NAC) is a nest of perverts and maybe worse
👉Why Gomulka continues to help and expose crimes
👉How Rachel decided to speak out publicly and the cost she has accepted
👉Sources of Christian hope in all this darkness.


Gene Gomulka’s website: http://www.gomulka.net/

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