Why I Bought a Super Lightweight Bike (& I'm not a climber!?)

4 years ago

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It's not often you come across a fully functioning road bike frame that weighs only 0.715KG. With the Factor 02 VAM that is certainly the case. It will definitely be the lightest bike I have even ridden, once it's been built up. However, to get the ball rolling, in this video I will share with you three reasons I have have purchased this super lightweight climbing bike, when I don't consider myself a climber. Additionally I will share an update about the Winspace bike project.

#lightweight #roadbike #factor

My coaching course is opening in 10 days: https://www.camnicholls.com/program
Original Factor O2 First Impressions: https://youtu.be/J51RpkMuV8U

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