Clapback's and Cocktails The Last Smoke show!!!

2 years ago

Reacting to all the @Kevin Samuels detractors and Naysayers...... Its a SMOKESHOW
#umarjohnson #vivicafox #creflodolarlastetsermons

0:00 Intro Music
18:00 What we are drinking at service tonight
20:00 Clip reaction to Jada Pinkett-Smith on The Oscars Incident
23:00 Short class on trash talking: Bald-Headed H03
27:30 Gaslighting the entire world
35:00 Those who lead, protect and serve
41:00 Its Called Trickle down economics
42:00 Clip reaction to Dr. Umar Johnson
50:00 The Qualifications of Dr. Umar
52:00 MMD Men Money D!ck
58:10 You Rep a city you can't afford to live in
1:02:30 Can't go wrong Cologne,​ Rochas Man -Eau De Toilette find more @FragranceLine
1:08:00 Clip Reaction to Vivica Foxx on Kevin Samuel
1:17:00 If you want the bag, you want the beta male
1:20:40 They hated what he said because he told the truth
1:23:00 How much is he?
1:26:50 If you want Xes agree she's an 8
1:29:00 10s and 9s are high Maintenance
1:34:00 The cost of arm candy
1:38:00 Do you compromise on their looks for compatibility
1:44:00 BG is PO'd
1:46:00 Toyah joins the church to tell women to stop making this mistake!!
1:49:00 If the woman makes the most money they must assume a piece of his role
1:52:00 Clip Reaction to Pastor Creflow
1:53:00 Wearing Tyler Perry's make up
1:58:00 You can do bad by yourself
2:00:00 The fallacy of Prosperity Preaching
2:03:00 Final words on Clapback's and Cocktails

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For the Gentlemen that like to smell good on a budget.

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