😴 45 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Monthly Compendium [July 2022]

2 years ago

We can all use a good night's sleep, especially over the past couple of years. Allow me to lull you off into dreamland with my dulcet tones & these calm sleep stories, Glitch Stories & Reddit stories.

Ever had a strange event permeate into your life? Something you can't explain, that makes no logical sense? These are known as glitch in the matrix events, or glitch stories in short. Or, perhaps, something paranormal? (They tend to blend together in my experience).

Hi, I'm Kinetic Symphony. I surf around the web looking for True Glitch Stories, including Stories of the Paranormal Persuasion. Then I narrate these stories for your enjoyment. Sit back, relax & get ready for a ride.

00:00 - Case File 679 "The Future Purple Jacket"
03:05 - Case Notes 679 “The Future Purple Jacket”
05:37 - Creepy File 30 "The Lifesaving Motorcycle"
07:37 - Bonus File “The Spinning Coins”
11:42 - Case File 680 "The New White House"
13:43 - Case File 681 "The Newspaper Anomaly"
15:51 - Bonus File “Talk About Cruel & Unusual Punishment”
19:19 - Case Notes “Talk About Cruel & Unusual Punishment”
20:54 - Case File 682 "My Mom Hacked The Simulation"
22:57 - Bonus File "Of Death & Gollums"
27:51 - Case Notes “Of Death & Gollums”
30:33 - Case File 683 "Linguistic Glitch"
31:48 - Case File 684 "When Love Is All Kinds Of Magical"
33:48 - Creepy File 31 “The Amusement Park Of Horror”
38:53 - Case Notes 31 “The Amusement Park Of Horror”
41:33 - Case File 685 "The Inexplicable Mile-High Shortcut"
43:50 - Case Notes 685 “The Inexplicable Mile-High Shortcut”
46:32 - Case File 686 "Garbage Bags & Ghosts"
48:19 - Creepy File 32 “Crying Bait”
51:28 - Case File 687 "The Aztek Glitch"
56:57 - Case Notes 687 “The Aztek Glitch”
1:00:17 - Bonus File "When Even Your Money Is Haunted"
1:02:22 - Case File 688 "Crashing Into Another Universe"
1:05:26 - Case Notes 688 “Crashing Into Another Universe”
1:08:26 - Bonus File “An Afterlife Spent In The Kitchen”
1:10:16 - Creepy File 33 "By The Way, This Isn’t My Laptop"
1:14:54 - Case File 689 "A Glitch Of Crumpled Metal"
1:16:12 - Case File 690 "They Weren’t Human…"
1:19:06 - Case Notes 690 “They Weren’t Human…”
1:21:21 - Creepy File 34 “A Midday Abduction”
1:23:34 - Case File 691 "Do You Think That’s Air You’re Breathing?"
1:30:03 - Case Notes 691 “Do You Think That’s Air You’re Breathing?”
1:32:44 - Case File 692 "The Lady With The Vacuum"
1:34:00 - Case File 692 "The Helicopter, Frozen In Time"
1:37:52 - Case Notes 692 “The Helicopter, Frozen In Time”
1:40:57 - Case File 693 "The Kissing Entities"
1:43:13 - Creepy File 35 “The Brown Van”
1:45:49 - Case File 694 "When The Universe Keeps Repeating Itself"
1:47:40 - Case Notes 694 “When The Universe Keeps Repeating Itself”
1:49:33 - Bonus File “This Was Definitely Not An Echo”
1:51:44 - Creepy File 36 "The Connection Was Intercepted"
1:54:36 - Case File 695 "The Unreal Simulation"
1:56:16 - Case File 696 "Our Minds Will Blot Out The Sun"
1:58:02 - Case Notes 696 “Our Minds Will Blot Out The Sun”
1:59:53 - Bonus File “Flock Of Murder & Love Hexes”
2:04:03 - Case File 697 "My Cat Phased Through My Door!"
2:05:22 - Creepy File 37 “The Parking Garage Abduction”
2:07:03 - Case File 698 "The Apocalyptic Broadcast"
2:08:23 - Case Notes 398 “The Apocalyptic Broadcast”
2:12:04 - Case File 699 "How Can Furniture Disappear And Reappear?"
2:14:02 - Creepy File 38 "The Stalker Of The Night"
2:19:54 - Case Notes 38 “The Stalker Of The Night”
2:22:19 - Case File 700 "Lights In The Sky That Don’t Behave"
2:23:24 - Case File 701 "You’ve Never Heard Of A Coincidence This Wild"
2:25:38 - Bonus File "The Mystery Of A Mountain & The Hum Of An Angel"
2:29:54 - Case Notes “The Mystery Of A Mountain & The Hum Of An Angel”
2:32:22 - Case File 702 "How Did I Hear That? Or Should I Say When?"
2:34:18 - Case File 703 "When You Meet A Stranger You’ve Known Forever"
2:36:38 - Creepy File 39 "The Evil Is All In Those Dead Dark Eyes"
2:40:10 - Bonus File “His Pure Love & Energy Saved My Life”
2:42:30 - Case Notes “His Pure Love & Energy Saved My Life”

Emoji from:



MYUU StillStand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKnxGSiqZ8c
MYUU Edge of Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC8hO-mErlw
MYUU Hold On: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O-QZLdhrrA
MYUU Unspoken: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvIvXw6gSYA
MYUU Silent Turmoil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzIqTL_Yksc
MYUU Fading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWLSW-1jJvs
MYUU Exhale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vAXmHNY2aU

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